We believe that change matters only when it reflects the real opinions and needs of the community. That is why invite you to take part in a national survey, the first of its kind, about LGBTI people in Bulgaria’s experience and opinion of the environment they live in.
What we aim to achieve with this survey is learn more about the opinion people from our community have on different subjects, including their experiences in fields such as education, employment, medical services, access to rights, inclusion in society and others.
Participate and share your life experience and views of the environment you live in as well as what you think could improve it. The collected information will help LGBTI organizations in their work towards improving LGBTI people’s rights in Bulgaria as well as their acceptance within the general public.
The survey is completely voluntary and anonymous. Your answers cannot be found out at any stage of the survey. They will be used for summarized statistical analysis only.
The survey is conducted by the LGBTI organizations Bilitis, GLAS and Deystvie in partnership with the sociological agency NOEMA. It is part of the project BrinkItOn(On the Brink of Acceptance: Fighting Discrimination by Strategizing and Empowerment for the LGBTI Community in Bulgaria), financed by the EU Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme.